Places lit up in gay pride colors

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“We’re here, and we’re part of this institution,” Bradley Talbot, the gay BYU student who organized the lighting of the Y, said last year of the colorful protest. “Locations where demonstrations are prohibited, including any locations within university buildings, near places where minors and other vulnerable populations are present (such as the BYU preschool, summer youth camps or the Student Health Center) and locations where safety is at risk, including university-owned portions of Y Mountain,” the new policy reads. The new updated demonstration policy, announced earlier this week, bans such protests on Y Mountain in the future. Last year a group of LGBTQ+ BYU students lit up the Y in rainbow colors to call for greater acceptance on campus and calling out church teachings and rules regulating student behavior on campus. Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah announced that university-owned portions of the famed Y Mountain are now officially off-limits for student protests and demonstrations.

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